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2025 Back To Normal Operations?

Updated: Nov 22

Yes, it's true. 2025 is looking like a good year for the Pond to do what it normally is supposed to do. Hold water to perc back into the ground and allow the SCCWSC to ski once again.

The latest on the Dam replacement project is as follows:

  • The County of Santa Clara and the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) have agreed on an estimated 10’x10’ easement parcel for the PG&E power pole that is necessary to run the bladder dam.


  • The SCVWD is now waiting for the County Assessor to update the parcel agreement so PG&E can start their work. PG&E will not start work until they see SCVWD’s name on the deed.


  • The Pump House infrastructure repairs have started in order to fix all the vandalism damage that occurred several months ago. This is good news because re-running the electrical now is key to avoiding further delays.


  • The SCVWD has hired a security company to protect the Dam and Pump House from further crime.


  • BIG NEWS: When PG&E completes the power piece, the SCVWD plan is to fill the Pond and only lower the water during heavy rain storms like normal during the winter.

CLUB Preparation to get the course back in

  • One work party was held. Jerry (who was there first of course), Collins, Crivello, Dave Olsen, Steve Dachauer and Gordon Simmons attended the midweek event. Funny they are all retired. 

  • We are in good shape on the course and anchors. We had to do some digging to get anchors clear but that was successful

  • The bigger job is clearing growth all over in the boat/ski path especially at the south end. The spring time clean up was a huge success but mother nature doesn't stop. The new growth is tall, dried out, hard and much thicker to clear.

  • More work party's are planned, look for email on the group list to join in or do what you can on your schedule. Better to do it now before rains come.

  • At the appropriate time the subfloats and course will be re-installed

    Then Let the Rain begin... Stay tunned 

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